Actually my cat and I had one at the same time and we were not fun to be around I'll tell you that much. McKay: Oh.yeah I-I had a kidney stone once.incredibly painful.same kinda thing I'm told so yeah I hear you. McKay: So, ummmmm, how are you doing? Teyla: The pain is very great. Caldwell: As a general rule, I like to keep daring rescues down to one a day.
Lorne: Okay, revise that, start making a lot of noise.Ĭol. McKay: No, you shut up this is important! If Michael is coming- Maj. McKay: If I'm reading this correctly then Michael is- Maj.
Lorne: Well, isn't that wonderful? That brings me great comfort. Search and Rescue (Lorne and McKay are trapped in another part of the collapsed compound) Dr.